I'm back in Hyderabad now and involved in daily strategy meetings with our national director, Dani. He is an amazing man with a great vision for the expansion of the Kingdom here in South Asia and is already working out that vision through practical steps that I'll share more about later.
We finished up the "Train the Trainer" conference in Kazipet on Saturday. We were overwhelmed with the way the LORD used the time. On Friday we went back to the villages that we had prayed in on Wednesday and evangelized on Thursday. This time however we were going to ground the believers through introductory discipleship and train them in how to operate house churches. As usual, the new beleivers brought others and we saw 6 more come to faith in Jesus at the 4 new house church gatherings. Virtually all of these Banjara gypsies that we were working among are illiterate. So we used the "7 Basic Commands of Jesus" to begin discipleship and they memorized those commands and understood them as the natural fruit of obedience through faith in Jesus. In the are where I was working there was 1 believer at the beginning of the week - Jothi. By the end of the week there were 5 other adults gathering at her house for worship of the One True God, along with about 30 children who learned several bible verses by memory. Some of the national leaders that we trained this week have been appointed as temporary area leaders to oversee these new churches until the locals are trained to lead them alone. We will be sending in solar-powered Audio New Testament Proclaimers so that they can study the scriptures on their own as well.
On Friday night we held a graduation celebration where 24 national leaders covenanted with e3 Partners to become trainers in their respective states. These men will each be provided with Evangecubes and First Steps training manuals to equip national believers, evangelize the lost, and establish new churches in their State. I'll be sharing more later about how you can be a part of this amazing movement. We only selected the top quality leaders to become trainers and we are thrilled to think of how God is going to use them to reproduce this model throughout the region.
As Dani, myself, and 2 other e3 leaders from the US worked together yesterday and today, we have formulated a 2007 plan and 2008 goals for expanding this network of church multiplication trainers. Tomorrow I'm headed off to Calcutta for more strategy meetings and then on home to my SWEET family on Thursday. I miss them dearly! Not long now.
1 comment:
Incredible stuff, George. Sounds like the Paraclete has been getting around there, doing what He does best.
Can't wait to hear more about the trip.
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