Friday, May 05, 2006

Godly Desire: the Fuel for a Life of Purpose

May He grant you according to your heart’s desire, and fulfill all your purpose.” – Psalm 20:4

What is your heart’s desire? What is your purpose in life? Our glorious Creator had in mind for us a purpose when He thought us into existence. So our purpose in life is God-ordained and will be found by us only when we pursue God Himself. If we seek our purpose apart from God, we will come up empty-handed. “Seek first His Kingdom” (Matthew 6:33) gives us insight into this universal quest: our general purpose in life is to establish the rule of God in our hearts. But what about our specific purpose as individuals? What is your heart’s desire? If you are seeking God first, then you can trust your heart’s desire for there is a divine intersection where God’s purpose for us and our own desire meet. Like a delicate balancing act the two should merge and become a single path leading in the same direction. Be careful however because desires can become dangerous when they are disconnected from our eternal purpose. However, when desire flows from purpose, they act as a mighty current carrying us toward our God-ordained destiny! So God has given us all the general purpose of living a life of passionate worship. But every individual has a specific purpose that is discovered by the desire that God births into that worshipful heart. When your desire is from God, you can trust your desire. And when you are living God’s purpose, you can rest in the assurance that it will be both fulfilling and fulfilled. Godly desire will become the very fuel that energizes you to life a life of purpose.

What are you doing to grow in God’s general purpose of living a life of worship? Would you say that you are seeking God’s kingdom first, or your own? Are the desires of your heart God-centered or self-centered? Write out what the desires of your heart are in the areas of personal growth, family, ministry, and career. Whose kingdom will be expanded if your heart’s desires are fulfilled?

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